Curious- I am VERY curious about things. When I was younger, my school teacher would always get upset at me because I simply would ask too many questions. I always wanted to learn something new and get the answers to my questions I ask. One day, while at home, I asked my dad a question. He didn't know the answer, and so I became frustrated with him and asked, "Why don't you know the answer daddy?" This PROVES me to be curious about many things and always wanting to learn more things that would fascinate me.
Hardworking- At my lab, I would spend too many hours there, according to my wives, trying and trying to figure out my experiment I was working on at the time. I wouldn't stop working, (Some people might call me stubborn!), until I successfully invented what I was working on. And when I finally finished, I would become curious about another thing, and start working on that until it was finished.
Intelligent- I don't mean to brag, but I was also very intelligent. My mind was always turning with ideas on how I could invent or improve on something. I read many books and anything I could grab, which made me very smart. I created the phonograph, the first light bulb, a generator for electric lighting, the kinetscope (the first movie viewer), and many more minor devices.
Devoted- I was devoted to my studies and work all the time. Though I probably shouldn't have, I put my work first a lot of times before my family. If I was inventing something, I would read many books about the subject and try to find more information on it.
Perseverance- Last, but not least, I tried and tried to go through life happy and joyful and not let anything get to me. When times went tough, I tried not to give up, or to grieve about something from the past. Many things happened to me, such as my mother dying, I becoming deaf, and many more minor things. Just to let you know, I always tried to persevere through life, even though it can be hard sometimes.
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